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Marco Fragale at the “Salone del Libro” of Torino

Marco Fragale at the “Salone del Libro” of Torino

It is ready to be released “Il Borgo del Graal. Leggende, credenze e aneddoti di Gratteri tra fonti scritte e orali” the second volume of the series of books “Gratteri nel cuore” of Marco Fragale, a Sicilian literature teacher.

The new book comes from the author’s passion for the research of all the unusual and mysterious traditions of the picturesque town Gratteri and it is the result of the Fragale’s cooperation with the most ancient inhabitants of Gratteri who passed him down all the oral legends of the tradition. The book is enriched with unreleased stories pulled out from city catalogues, important for an ethnolinguistic and anthropological point of view. The author Marco Fragale’s intent is, indeed, the one to preserve the cultural heritage (and oral) of the town, which would necessarily be lost in time forever.

The huge news is that the book will be presented to the “Salone del Libro of Torino” (Book Fair) between the 18 and 22 May 2023, where the author will discuss with the public about all the fundamental points of the work; and it does not end here, because the book will be presented on preview for the Sicilian territory in Cefalù.