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One-day tour: Himera Archaeological Park and Solunto Archaeological Park

Date planning Departures and stops Gratteri Duration one day Cost to define A journey to discover Sicily's most famous archaeological parks. This tour of the parks of Himera and Solunto will take you on a discovery of the archaeological wonders that characterise the Sicilian territory, taking you on a journey back in time to encounter…

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Inauguration of “Gratteri Holiday”

The ‘Gratteri Holiday’ project was inaugurated on 23 June 2023, at its new premises in Piazza Umberto I in Gratteri. The project aims at the revaluation of the territory of Gratteri and all its potential.

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Gratteri: scoperto nuovo sito megalitico - Gratteri Holiday - Case vacanze a Gratteri

Gratteri, a new megalithic site discovered

Gratteri, a new megalithic site discovered A new megalithic site around the Grotta Grattara of Gratteri that up to these days was completely unknown. Structures used by prehistoric people as indicators of solstitial dawns and sunsets, that seem to belong to the prehistoric period of the late Bronze Age. Making this significative discovery a graduate…

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Parco della grotta grattara - Gratteri Holiday - Case vacanze a Gratteri

The Grattara cave’s park

“There is a nativity scene that time neglects, with centenarians with child faces and limestone rocks crying in a stone shell, where the wind hissing in the cave spoke to the women, the oracle of an inhuman Old Lady…”. With these words Marco Fragale describes Gratteri and that Cave in his lyrics , inspired by the mysterious legend of a…

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Il quartiere di la Terra Vecchia - Gratteri Holiday - Case vacanze a Gratteri

The district of “Terra Vecchia” above “La bocca dell’inferno”

Once you reach Piazzetta Molinello, raise your eyes to the ancient clock tower, you will find yourself in front of one of the most evocative places in within the Madonie. In the past, the largest entrance door to the Madonite stronghold dedicated to Lorenzo Ventimiglia was located right near this neighborhood – between via Albanese and vicolo Manzoni. This…

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A Gratteri: dieci scenari da immortalare - Gratteri Holiday - Case vacanze a Gratteri

10 pictures for 10 evocative scenarios to be immortalized

We suggest you at least 10 strategic points where you can take your most beautiful photos and immortalize the most characteristic corners of Gratteri: CARRUBBEDDA It is located at the gates of the country and it is called like this due to the presence of a carob tree that has been mentioned since 1500 in the Riveli (Sicilian…

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