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Parco Avventura in the Madonie: a good time is guaranteed

Are you a lover of fun and nature? Surround yourself of the pure beauty of the Parco delle Madonie in Petralia Sottana, at the north-east of the region. The adventure park offers a series of experiences completely in touch with nature, from acrobatic paths for adults and children to the opportunity to spend a night in a tree house, surrounded by the 80% of Sicilian biodiversity.

The park is the perfect place to spend the day with your family in relax: inside you can find the wide pic-nic area equipped with tables and barbecues, as well as a food court with different types of courses to choose.

Also perfect for a group of friends with whom you can venture in the various paths you will be proposed, from the easiest for the less intrepid to the most difficult for the bravest. For adults, the park offers to seven acrobatic paths, each equipped with a safety system, distinguishable between basic (green and yellow), medium level (blue and purple), difficult (cyan and red) and very difficult (black) paths. Before starting every path, you will be given all the necessary equipment and attend a short course to deal with everything safely.

Instead, for children you will find the baby path (from 2 to 4 years old) and light blue and turquoise paths (height between 1.10m and 1.30m).

But the adventures do not end here: other activities such as tree climbing, 4×4 hiking, powerful launching, orienteering and archery are organised by the park.

What can make unique your experience will be the opportunity to stay in the park surrounded by nature. Stay’s proposals range from various tree houses to hanging tents or ground tents.

There are different stay options for the tree house, whose availability varies depending on the number of guests, such as the Grill Room which can accommodate up to 15 people, while houses like the Tree House on the lake can accommodate up to 4 people. Based on the stay you choose, different services will be included in price, from the breakfast to the product for grill to drinks. Same for the stay in hanging tents: you can choose between the one at 1.5m or at 6m. The choice for ground tents is also more limited, ranging from the simplest such as the ground tent and the tent-house, to the “glamping tent “which offers conveniences over traditional camping.

For more information, please feel free to contact our staff!